Jarmuschek + Partner has been representing contemporary artists since 2004 and shows their works in Berlin, at external exhibition projects and at international art fairs. Many of the works presented move in a tension field between figurative-representational and abstraction, the focus is also on painting and the medium of paper. In addition to the long-standing collaboration with the artists of the gallery, also young positions are discovered and promoted. The communication of artistic content and the intensive exchange with collectors, curators and a broad interested public are particularly important to the team.
After initial locations in Sophienstraße in Mitte (until 2008) and the Halle am Wasser behind the Hamburger Bahnhof, Jarmuschek + Partner has been located since 2013 in the Mercator-Höfe at Potsdamer Straße, the former site of the Tagesspiegel newspaper, known for its numerous galleries and designers. Art already has a long tradition in the villa built by the painter Anton von Werner in the center of the area: In the gallery's current exhibition space, the then university director and chairman of the Berlin Artists' Association worked on his large-format history paintings in the second half of the 19th century.
Potsdamer Straße 81 A
10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 28599070