Helga Matzke European Silver

The antique silver specialist Helga Matzke KG handles across the globe. With notable importance placed upon silver tableware of courtly provenance and art objects originating from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century.
Helga and Fred Matzke were motivated out of their love for the arts to found the firm in Würzburg, Germany, in 1973. Since 1988, they have been located in Gruenwald, near Munich. With time, developing into becoming one of the leading international art dealers in the space of european historical silver. Since 1998, Helga Matzke KG has participated in the art fair; TEFAF in Maastricht.
Our team consists of profound art lovers and silver experts. Fred Matzke, Chantal Smith and Pascal Matzke are the managing partners.
In the meantime, our team is built from profound art lovers and silver experts. Fred Matzke, Chantal Smith and Pascal Matzke are the managing partners.

With a long-term experience in the handling of antique silver objects, art historical expertise and extensive know-how of the art market, we are a reliable partner for international museums and for aspiring art collectors.

Wörnbrunnerstrasse 11
82031 Grünwald

Tel.: +49 89 649 36 92
Mob.: +49 172 890 46 00